

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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Sleep and Fertility - Does Sleep Increase Fertility?

Sleep and Fertility - Does Sleep Increase Fertility?

Insomnia During Ovulation

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that sleep issues can really mess with your hormones… your mental health…and your physical wellbeing. Some women report experiencing insomnia around ovulation, while others experience sleep difficulties right before and during the first day or two of their period.

Melatonin and Fertility

Here’s what we know about sleep and fertility challenges. Chronic low sleep quality, sleep loss and interrupted sleep causes an inflammatory response in the body and are linked with infertility. Recent studies exploring melatonin supplementation suggests a link between low levels of your body’s own melatonin (endogenous melatonin) and fertility challenges. Melatonin supplements may improve egg quality.

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Can Sleep Pattern Disturbance increase chances of Infertility and Miscarriage?

Research also shows an association between disturbed sleep patterns in shift workers and changes in the menstrual cycle as well as a link between shift work and an increase in miscarriage. For men the prevalence of sleep disturbance appears to be increasing and is associated with low sperm quality. So you and your partner could probably do with more quality restorative sleep.

According to recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), sleep duration for an adult should be between 7 and 9 hours per night (Hirshkowitz et al., 2015). Surprisingly only 48% of the US adult population shows a sleep duration within the recommended sleep range, with 26% of the population reporting an average of 6 to 7 h of sleep per night and 20% reporting sleeping less than 6 h per night. Where do you fall?

What’s the Best Sleeping Position for Implantation?

I was asked recently what’s the best sleeping position for implantation - and what’s the best sleeping position after IUI. Unfortunately there isn’t any research on this topic - I’d suggest sleeping in the most comfortable position you can. There’s no point in trying to sleep hanging upside down if you just end up even more tired! There is some research suggesting sleep position may influence where in the uterus the embryo implants - but not that one particular position actually influences if implantation will happen.

10 Ways to Get More Sleep and Improve Chances of Conceiving

So if you’re not getting much shut eye at the moment there’s a few things you can do to help yourself (and your partner) to more ZZZs tonight and how to increase chances of conceiving.

  1. Tart cherry juice contains melatonin (a natural sleep aid produced in the brain). Melatonin a common supplement used to support healthy sleep is also thought to have an effect on the reproductive system. It’s thought that but melatonin protects the oocyte from oxidative stress, particularly around ovulation. Talk to your provider before taking any new supplements.

  2. Consider taking a probiotic. An imbalance of gut bacteria is associated with insomnia (given how stressful infertility treatments can be it’s possible your gut bacteria is out of whack).

  3. Listen to your body and become an expert in self-care during your fertility treatments.

  4. Exercise – even light yoga can be very beneficial – and it releases happy hormones in your brain so it’s good for mind and body.

  5. Reduce caffeine in the afternoon.

  6. Limit your time online an hour before bedtime as the blue spectrum light from your phone/laptop can affect melatonin levels that make it more difficult to sleep. Go old school and read a book and keep your bedroom cool.

  7. Avoid having a heavy meal before bedtime.

  8. Have a warm bath before bed, lavender and chamomile essential oils promote relaxation (or try lavender and chamomile in a tea in the evening - from dried flowers not oils).

  9. Use your FertileMind Mp3s to help switch off a racing mind and experience deeper rest. Our Sleep collection will help you wind down and nod off easily. *

  10. Talk your partner into giving you a bedtime massage (or more if you’re up for it!).

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What’s helping you get some much needed restorative sleep these days?

*In a recent scientific review of audio sleep aids comparing Guided Meditation, Sleep Stories and Music. Sleep music, sleepcasts, and guided mindfulness had a positive impact on both subjective and objective sleep quality in the pre-sleep period; however, only guided mindfulness can positively influence sleep quality and HRV during the sleep period and improve cognitive functioning post-sleep. The results therefore provide evidence that sleep music and sleepcasts provide some benefit, but that guided mindfulness serves a strong role in improving sleep quality and cognition.

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Kirk, U., Ngnoumen, C., Clausel, A. et al. Using Actigraphy and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to Assess Sleep Quality and Sleep Arousal of Three App-Based Interventions: Sleep Music, Sleepcasts, and Guided Mindfulness. J Cogn Enhanc (2021).


Fernandez RC, Marino JL, Varcoe TJ, et al. Fixed or Rotating Night Shift Work Undertaken by Women: Implications for Fertility and MiscarriageSemin Reprod Med. 2016;34(2):74-82. doi:10.1055/s-0036-1571354

Goldstein CA, Smith YR. Sleep, Circadian Rhythms, and Fertility. Current Sleep Medicine Reports. 2016;2(4):206-217

Kloss, JD, Perlis, ML, Zamzow, JA, et al. Sleep, sleep disturbance, and fertility in women. Sleep Med Rev 2015; 22: 78–87.

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