

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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Mindful Eating and Fertility

Mindful Eating and Fertility

Mindfulness and Munchies: A Mindful Approach to Fertility and Food

In such a body conscious world the topic of body size/shape/weight is a sensitive topic that affects both men and women - but let’s take a look at a mindful approach to food and fertility. So before you roll your eyes and keep scrolling hear me out. I’ll try to make this topic as interesting, judgment free and as informative as possible. So, grab a healthy snack (or a not-so-healthy one, we won't judge), and let's dive in.

High (and low) BMI can have a big impact on your fertility, and not in a good way. For women, excess weight can lead to hormone imbalances, irregular periods, and even ovulation problems. And for men, it can decrease sperm count and quality. But there's hope! One way to combat the negative effects of obesity on fertility is through mindful eating.

Mindful eating is all about tuning in to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and savoring the taste and texture of your food. It's not about deprivation, diets or strict rules - it's about creating a healthy and positive relationship with food. Plus the evidence is there to back it up - studies have shown that mindful eating can help with weight loss, improve fertility outcomes, and reduce stress levels. In fact, one randomized controlled trial found that a mindfulness-based weight loss program was more effective in reducing body weight and improving eating behaviors than a traditional weight loss program.

So, how can you practice mindful eating? Start by taking a deep breath before your meal, and checking in with your body to see if you're truly hungry…as we often eat out of stress and boredom. Then, pay attention to the flavors and textures of your food as you eat, be curious about the whole experience and stop when you feel satisfied, not stuffed. And most importantly, don't forget to enjoy the experience! Food is one of life's greatest pleasures, so slow down and savor every bite. Swap your silverware to your non dominant hand and wear an expensive outfit while you eat - watch how mindful you can be when you’re not running on autopilot.

The Mindful Munch: Picture this: You're in a heated battle with a bowl of ice cream, spoon poised for another scoop. But instead of mindlessly devouring that sweet treat lets engage the senses. Take a moment to observe the creamy texture, taste the sweet flavors on your tongue, the smooth coolness of the bowl…really savor the experience. Imagine it’s the first time you’ve ever experienced ice-cream. Mindful munching invites us to slow down, appreciate the present moment, and truly enjoy our food.

Dance with the Cravings: Ah, cravings—the tricky little monsters that lure us toward those treats. But what if we approached them with curiosity instead of immediately surrendering to their every demand? Mindfulness teaches us to observe cravings without judgment, like a scientist observing a peculiar creature. By acknowledging cravings without succumbing to their every whim, we gain power over them, creating space for healthier choices to flourish.

Mindful Movement: Mindfulness extends beyond the plate; it seeps into every aspect of our lives, including physical activity. Instead of viewing exercise as another ‘to do’, embrace it as an opportunity for mindful movement. Engage in activities that you enjoy whether it's dancing like nobody's watching, walks in nature, or trying out a new fitness class. The key is to savor as much of that time as possible, appreciating the way your body moves and the vitality it brings. There’s more right with your body than wrong but fertility challenges can make that hard to see.

Compassion and Cupcakes: We've all had those moments when a cupcake mysteriously finds its way into our hands. Rather than berating ourselves for indulging, let's sprinkle a little self-compassion on top. Mindfulness teaches us to approach ourselves with kindness and understanding. So, enjoy that cupcake guilt-free, and remember that balance and moderation are the icing on the cake of a mindful journey to parenting.

Beyond the Plate: Mindfulness also invites us to explore the deeper layers of our relationship with food and our bodies. It encourages us to examine the emotional and psychological aspects of our eating habits. By being present and non-judgmental, we can uncover patterns, triggers, and associations that may contribute to overeating. Through self-reflection and gentle exploration, we can cultivate a healthier mindset and transform our relationship with food forever.

Your body is amazing and deserves to be treated with compassion, love and respect. By taking a mindful approach you can nourish your body and spirit and improve your chances of getting that BFP sooner. And if you slip up and indulge in a not-so-healthy treat every now and then, that's okay too - life is all about balance.

Can you start to love your body - and if that’s a step too far at the moment just try to notice when you criticize your body, and with gentleness and let it love you back.


  1. Daubenmier, J., Moran, P. J., Kristeller, J., Acree, M., Bacchetti, P., Kemeny, M. E., Dallman, M., Lustig, R. H., Grunfeld, C., Nixon, D. F., Milush, J. M., Goldman, V., Laraia, B., Laugero, K. D., Woodhouse, L., Epel, E. S., Hecht, F. M. (2016). Effects of a mindfulness-based weight loss intervention in adults with obesity: A randomized clinical trial. Obesity, 24(4), 794-804. doi:10.1002/oby.21471"

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