

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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Fertility Superstitions Around the World

Fertility Superstitions Around the World

Baby-making Magic: Fertility Superstitions from Around the World.

Get ready to laugh, cringe, and maybe even raise an eyebrow as I share some of the most quirky beliefs held around the world when it comes to making babies. Grab your lucky charm and buckle up for a fascinating ride through fertility folklore and old wives tales.

  1. Pickles and Pineapples: The Great Food Debate. When it comes to fertility, different cultures have their own unique culinary quirks. In the United States, some believe that consuming pickles will increase your chances of conceiving. Yes, you read that right—pickles! On the other side of the world, in parts of Asia, couples swear by the power of pineapples. Apparently, indulging in this tropical fruit is said to work wonders for fertility. So, why not whip up a pickle and pineapple salad and see what happens? Pineapple core contains the enzyme bromelain (women eat it in the hopes of inducing labor). Pickles help cultivate healthy bacteria in the body and reduce inflammation. Have you heard about McDonald’s French Fries post IVF? That one deserves its own blog!

  2. Frogs, Frogs Everywhere! In some parts of South America, it's the humble frog that takes center stage when it comes to fertility. According to local superstitions, placing a frog figurine under your bed will bless you with abundant baby-making luck. While the thought of sharing your bedroom with a rubbery amphibian might seem a bit bizarre, remember that desperate times call for desperate measures!

  3. Baby-Making Moon Madness: Moon gazing is a romantic pastime for many, but did you know it can also boost your chances of conceiving? In Romania, couples believe that staring at the full moon while making love increases their fertility. Just imagine the sight of countless couples in Romania, draped in blankets, peering at the night sky with pure determination. Ah, the lengths we go to bring a little one into this world! (Artemis is considered the moon Godess and is the Greek Goddess of fertility).

  4. Key to Success: In Dutch folklore, keeping a borrowed key under your pillow is said to unlock the door to fertility. Just remember to return the key after you're blessed with a bun in the oven.

  5. Throwing Your Underwear in the Ring: For the gentlemen reading this, pay close attention because this next superstition is for you. In Scotland, a peculiar tradition is called "Speerin' the Laird." The idea is simple: the hopeful father-to-be throws his underwear over his head, and if they stick to a neighbor's roof, well, congratulations are in order!

From pickle cravings to key theft, fertility superstitions remind us that our journey to parenthood can lead us down some truly amusing paths. So, whether you're munching on pickles, staring at the moon, or preparing to launch your underwear into the sky, have fun with these quirky traditions. After all, when it comes to starting a family, a little bit of magic and a whole lot of love can go a long way!

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