

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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McDonalds French Fries and IVF Diet

McDonalds French Fries and IVF Diet

Eating McDonalds Fries after IVF

IVF is as scientific as you can get but amidst the clinical procedures and medical marvels, a curious culinary craving has emerged—an apparent obsession with McDonald's French fries. What is this strange connection between IVF and those golden, salty, crispy spuds? What’s on your IVF diet?

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  1. Urban Legend: Legend has it that consuming McDonald's French fries immediately after IVF treatment can increase the chances of successful implantation. While the origin of this belief remains elusive, it has captured the attention of hopeful couples worldwide, becoming a whimsical tradition within the IVF community.

  2. The "McDonald's Effect": One theory behind the fries frenzy revolves around the high salt content found in these delectable potato sticks. Some believe that the sodium in the fries may help to optimize fluid balance, potentially supporting the embryo's implantation process and might reduce the risk of OHSS. However, it's essential to note that scientific evidence supporting this claim is lacking.

  3. Comfort Food and Coping Mechanisms: Undergoing IVF treatment can be emotionally and physically taxing. The waiting, uncertainty, and hormonal fluctuations create a rollercoaster of emotions. Indulging in a treat like McDonald's French fries may serve as a comfort food ritual, providing a sense of familiarity and a temporary escape from the stress of the journey.

  4. Psychological Placebo: The power of the mind should never be underestimated. For some women, eating McDonald's French fries after IVF might have a placebo effect, boosting confidence and positivity during a critical process phase. The belief that they are doing something proactive to enhance their chances may contribute to a more relaxed and optimistic mindset.

  5. Shared Experiences and Support: The IVF community is a tight-knit group of individuals who often seek solace in connecting with others who understand the unique challenges they face. The tradition of indulging in McDonald's French fries may have evolved as a way for women to bond over a shared experience, providing a sense of solidarity and support during a vulnerable time.

While the connection between McDonald's French fries and IVF success may seem bizarre, it serves as a reminder of the human inclination to grasp onto hope and find solace in unusual rituals.

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The IVF Diet

The foods you eat become the building blocks of your cells and ultimately your baby so it just makes sense that the raw materials you’re using should be high quality, balanced and based on your unique needs. Make sure you’re getting adequate labs on what YOU need for your physiology.

Whether you find yourself craving fast-food delicacies or not, the journey of IVF is extraordinary, filled with hope, resilience, and the unwavering desire to create a family. So, whether you choose to savor a few fries or opt for a different post-IVF treat, remember that the power of hope, love, and science is what truly fuels the miraculous path to parenthood.

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