

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

Welcome to my blog.

Overcome Fear of Needles Preparing for IVF

Overcome Fear of Needles Preparing for IVF

The CDC estimates that about 1 in 4 adults have strong fears around needles. If you’re one of those people, I have some welcome solutions that can make a big difference (you might even get some acupuncture sessions if this fear has been holding you back).

Let’s explore how self-hypnosis can help reduce needle phobia and make the process less stressful. The CDC recommends hypnosis as a way to manage these fears.

The prospect of self-injecting medications can be intimidating, especially if needles stress you out. The rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, and anticipation of pain can make the whole experience quite daunting. However, hypnosis holds promise in alleviating this fear and making the process smoother and more comfortable. There’s considerable evidence that hypnosis is effective for various medical interventions including dental surgery (Google it but be warned the videos are fascinating but graphic). I’ll share my personal experiences with self-hypnosis and medical procedures in another blog.

Updating Your Mental Software

As children - up to about age 7 we live in a state of imagination (very similar to hypnosis). It’s very likely that you learned to be afraid of needles early on, either through your own experience or hearing/seeing others getting an injection or blood test. Think of it as a ‘program’ you downloaded - and that program needs to be updated now that you’re an adult and recognize the benefits of these incredible medications. It’s estimated that around 70% of the ‘programs’ we learn as children are considered negative programming (unnecessary fears/phobias). Hypnosis can update those programs.

(When you get that BFP - look into hypnobirthing and read those birth stories and see how hypnosis can reduce fear, anxiety and pain too).

What is Medical Hypnosis?

Now, before you imagine a mysterious hypnotist waving a pocket watch and whispering magical words, let's set the scene. By utilizing hypnosis, you can reprogram your response to needles and transform your perception of injections. Unlike mindfulness there’s literally nothing to do but lie back and listen to the hypnosis audio - Easy Injections in the FertileMind app going to bed at night. Through gentle suggestion and relaxation techniques, you can gradually change your perspective and association with needles by rewiring your brain with the repetition of these suggestions. By visualizing a calming and positive environment, imagining a sense of comfort during injections, and fostering a sense of control, hypnosis can help you feel more at ease. The FertileMind app is the only digital companion for stress management and infertility that includes both hypnosis and meditation so you get to experience the benefits of both approaches.

One approach in hypnosis is to create a mental image where needles become less intimidating. For example, envisioning a smaller, less threatening needle or associating the needle with a positive sensation, like a gentle touch or warmth, can help reshape your perception. Your mind can’t tell the difference between something you’re vividly imagining and something you’re physically experiencing so when you’ve created a new association i.e. injections = relaxed anticipation, instead of injections = stressed anticipation.

Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis for purposes of medical treatment goes back a long way. The British Medical Association endorsed the use of hypnosis in medicine in 1955, based on case reports and series backed up by expert consensus, and the American Medical Association followed suit in 1958.

Studies have shown that hypnosis can be effective in reducing the fear of needles. A study by Lang and colleagues (2010) found that hypnosis significantly reduced anxiety and fear in patients receiving injections, leading to a more positive overall experience. Another study by Martin and colleagues (2012) demonstrated that hypnosis reduced needle phobia and increased compliance with injection-related medical procedures.

By incorporating hypnosis into your journey you can develop coping strategies, reduce anxiety, and make the experience more manageable. The power of your mind can help you overcome needle phobia and take more control of your fertility journey.

Hypnosis offers a friendly and evidence-based approach to tackle needle phobia. By accessing your subconscious mind, hypnosis can help reshape your perception of needles, reduce anxiety, and make the process of self-injecting medications more comfortable.

So get comfy, press play and snooze away your fear of needles (you probably won’t recall most of what’s said in the audio as you experience a phenomena known as hypnotic amnesia. There’s no need to try to stay awake to hear what’s being said (if you listen during day time notice how quickly the time passes).



  • Lang, E.V., Berbaum, K.S., Pauker, S.G., Faintuch, S., Salazar, G.M., Lutgendorf, S.,...Spiegel, D. (2010). Beneficial effects of hypnosis and adverse effects of empathic attention during percutaneous tumor treatment: When being nice does not suffice. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 21(10), 1523-1527.

  • Martin, M. L., Freedman, R. S., Bandstra, E. S., Doerr, H. K., & McCaffrey, R. J. (2012). Efficacy of an intervention for needle phobia using hypnosis: A randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 54(4), 275-287.

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