

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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Infertility and Heart Coherence

Infertility and Heart Coherence

“Listen to your heart…follow your heart…heartfelt emotions…”

Did you know that your heart has a ‘brain’ of its own - including approximately 40,000 of its own neurons that communicate with your ‘other’ brain - the one above the neck? This brain also influences your reproductive health.

You’ve heard about the mind/body connection and how our thoughts influence the body and sensations in the body influence our moods - but did you know your heart sends signals to the brain too?

According to the Heart-Math Institute, 90% of neural pathways go from the heart to the brain. How interesting is that? Most of the communication between the heart and the brain comes from the heart and is then received by the brain, and the brain responds by sending signals to the rest of the body. Emotion can be measured in the heart through heart rate variability.  We can be in a state of high HRV or low HRV, and this rhythm directly impacts how our body responds and copes to stress. The good news is heart coherence like mindfulness, can be trained.

“From a physics perspective, when we are in a coherent state, virtually no energy is wasted because our systems are performing optimally and there is synchronization” between organ systems.”  -Heart Math Institute

If you’re experiencing infertility, or it’s just taking longer than you anticipated to get that BFP you know that the feelings of frustration, disappointment, and hopelessness can be overwhelming. With this level of constant stress, it's essential to explore holistic approaches that can provide support and enhance well-being. One approach is heart coherence, a technique that harmonizes the mind and body systems. It’s also known as physiological coherence.

Each time you move from an opposing emotional state such as joy to worry - over 1000 biochemical changes take place in your body. Moving from joy to a stressed mindset produces depleting, draining hormones such as cortisol inhibiting reproductive processes - and the opposite is true when we move from stress to appreciation. In this state the body releases oxytocin, DHEA and other energizing, re-charging chemical messengers.

Understanding Heart Coherence:

Heart coherence refers to a state of physiological and emotional balance that arises when the heart, mind, and body synchronize. It involves intentionally cultivating a coherent and harmonious rhythm of the heart's electromagnetic signals, influencing our overall well-being (sounds very scientific but it’s quite easy to do). When we’re in this state of coherence we experience increased mental clarity, emotional stability, and enhanced physiological functioning.

Reducing Stress and Anxiety:

Infertility can be an incredibly stressful experience, triggering anxiety and a constant state of worry. High stress levels have been linked to hormonal imbalances affecting reproductive health. By practicing heart coherence techniques, such as heart-focused breathing in the FertileMind App and positive emotional shifts, women and partners can reduce stress, and restore a sense of inner calm. This shift towards balance can help regulate hormonal activity and improve overall fertility.

Even if you got out of the ‘wrong’ side of the bed today you can choose a different emotional state - choosing which chemicals you’ll release in your body.

What I love about this technique is how quickly we can shift our emotional state - while also changing the chemistry of your body. You can’t be in a state of stress and a state of appreciation. When I practice heart coherence with the Heart Math biofeedback monitor as soon as I start thinking about playing with my Frenchie, Dexter - there is an almost immediate shift in mood, my heart rate and heart rate variability. I can watch it all happening on my phone as the stress melts away. But you can do the same without the monitor or even closing your eyes (helpful if you need emotional relief but you’re sitting in an important meeting).

Enhancing Emotional Resilience:

The emotional toll of infertility can be profound, leaving women feeling isolated, sad, or even experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression. Heart coherence techniques help manage emotions by fostering emotional resilience. As women develop coherence within their heart rhythms, they gain greater control over their emotional responses. This newfound emotional balance can positively impact mental health, facilitate coping with infertility challenges, and foster a positive mindset throughout the fertility journey.

Boosting Physical Well-being:

Creating heart coherence has a direct influence on the body's physiological processes. Regular practice has been shown to improve heart rate variability, blood pressure, and immune system function. As the body reaches a state of coherence, it optimizes its ability to function optimally, including the reproductive system. When combined with other medical interventions, heart coherence can support physical well-being, potentially improving fertility outcomes.

Strengthening Mind-Body Connection:

Fertility challenges can often lead to a sense of disconnect between the mind and body. Heart coherence practices can help rebuild this connection, fostering self-awareness and self-care. By listening to the heart's wisdom and nurturing positive emotions, you can align your intentions, beliefs, and actions with your dreams of parenthood. This mind-body connection can create a fertile ground for resilience, acceptance, and embracing alternative paths to parenthood.

Practical Tips for Cultivating Heart Coherence:

  • Heart-Focused Breathing: Practice slow, deep breathing while focusing your attention on your heart center. Imagine your breath flowing in and out through this area, creating a sense of warmth and ease. Place your hand over your heart (this activates the Vagus nerve and increases the feelings of calmness). As you are focusing on the heart and the breath – think about something or someone that you adore! Thinking about them makes you feel warm inside (that’s the effect of your body releasing oxytocin). It could be your cat, a grandparent, your partner).

  • Cultivating Positive Emotions: Engage in activities that elicit positive emotions, such as gratitude, compassion, or joy. These emotions promote coherence and resilience, shifting your focus towards well-being. Read more about the practice of Pregnancy Basking here.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness or meditation practices into your daily routine. These techniques help quiet the mind, reduce anxiety, and enhance overall well-being.

  • Seek Support: Consider joining support groups or seeking counseling from professionals who specialize in fertility-related issues. Connecting with others who share similar experiences can provide a sense of belonging and emotional support.

Heart coherence offers a valuable tool for women to help navigate your fertility journey with greater resilience, emotional balance, and overall well-being. Embrace heart coherence as an empowering practice as you embark on this transformative path towards holistic well-being.


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