

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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How to Use Red Light Therapy for Fertility?

How to Use Red Light Therapy for Fertility?

Last updated - April 2024

Our hormones and health are linked to sunlight (the Circadian Rhythm). So it’s not surprising that fertility issues are so prevalent today given the fact that we spend almost 93% of our lives indoors. We’re missing out on all of the health benefits of sunlight. Most women and men are also deficient in Vitamin D because of this. But now you can get the benefits of light without sun damage, indoors.

Have you heard about this ‘new’ technology? (It’s been around since the 60s). It's known as Light therapy, PhotoBioModulation (PBM); Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). These are NOT James Bond style lasers that cause damage. These do NOT heat the tissues. This is a long read so grab a cuppa but I wanted to try and keep all of the information in one place.

In a nutshell red light therapy increase energy in your cells, reduces inflammation, it increases collagen and increases blood circulation and activation of stem cells and about several million other biological processes.

You might be thinking to yourself - SO WHAT? How will that help me get pregnant?

Bear with me for a short biology lesson.

Every cell in your body, runs on the energy source ATP, or Adenosine Triphosphate. This energy is produced by the mitochondria inside our cells. Think of them as a tiny engine in every cell. Most cells have around 2,000 mitochondria but really important areas such as brain cells and heart cells have around 10,000 each.

But just one of your eggs has over 600,000 of these little engines so of course we want those engines working properly. Conceiving takes a huge amount of energy by the body. This is where light therapy comes into the picture. Each cell in your body has a specific light receptor such as melanin, and when a particular type and intensity of light is shone on the cell it feeds it and energises those cells. Just like plants absorb light through chlorophyl. So when reproductive cells with low energy (caused by age, injury or inflammation are exposed to certain wave lengths of light those little engines produce more ATP). This will directly influence your egg quality and may significantly improve your chances of conceiving. There's also emerging impressive research demonstrating improvements for sperm motility. Another recent study combining the keto diet and red light therapy led to documented changes in both estrodiol and progesterone…even in post menopausal women!

As a midwife who has experienced infertility, I’ve seen fertility cures come and go. I am dedicated to bringing evidence-based holistic treatments and therapies to women and their partners. So when I first heard about red light therapy I put it down to pseudoscience and didn’t pay much attention to it.

How wrong I was…and now I’m a little obsessed with light medicine for women’s health in general but specifically for fertility. It’s also a brilliant tool for use after you have your baby for perineal tearing/episiotomy accelerated cesarean scar healing and overall mood and energy. It’s even becoming popular with Veterinarians as a safe treatment for pets and is recommended in pediatric dentistry to reduce the pain (and stress) of injections.

What is Red Light Therapy and Can Red Light Therapy Help Fertility?

Fertility struggles can be emotionally and physically taxing for couples dreaming of starting a family. With advancements in medical technology, researchers are constantly exploring new avenues to address infertility issues. One promising avenue is red light therapy, also known as low-level laser therapy (LLLT) or Photobiomodulation (PBM). While it might not be a stand-alone solution, red light therapy has shown potential in reproductive health by promoting cellular health, hormonal balance, and overall reproductive function in both women and men. Red and near-infrared light therapy improves fertility, even in older women. It increases ATP production (cell energy) in eggs and follicular health. It’s been around for years…it’s been used by NASA yet nobody I’ve spoken to in the last month has heard about it…(maybe they thought it was only for the tinfoil hat people).

The good news is you can now purchase affordable home devices (most of us don’t have an extra $30-100K lying around)…scroll to the end for the products I am using and recommend.

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How Red Light Therapy Works for Fertility?

Red light therapy involves the body's exposure to low-level, non-thermal red or near-infrared light wavelengths. These wavelengths penetrate the skin, muscle and even bone and interact with cells, triggering a series of cellular responses that promote healing, reduce inflammation, and enhance energy production. We spend at least 93% of our time indoors, with minimal sunlight (but lots of artificial light). Living so much of our lives in artificial light is considered to be similar to eating junk food every day. We evolved to be out in the sun getting our red light naturally - so we need to bring that light indoors, that’s where red light therapy comes in.

Red Light Therapy for Male & Female Hormonal Balance + Other Fertility Benefits

  1. Enhancing Blood Flow: Red light therapy has been shown to improve blood circulation by promoting the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). This can benefit reproductive organs by ensuring they receive an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. However, there is evidence that shows that it can improve the blood supply to the ovum and the entire reproductive system. Therefore, red light might be increasing the chances of conception.

  2. Balancing Hormones: Hormonal imbalances can major in fertility issues. Red light therapy has demonstrated the potential to regulate hormones, including those related to reproductive function. For women, this can mean better regulation of menstrual cycles and improved ovulation, while in men, red light therapy testosterone levels is being explored by scientists.

  3. Supporting Cellular Health: Red light therapy stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is a key molecule for cellular energy. Healthy cells are essential for optimal reproductive function in both women and men. Read more here about ATP. Essentially this form of light therapy removes nitric oxide from your cells so they can take in more oxygen - and create more energy.

  4. Reducing Inflammation and Oxidative Stress: Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress can negatively impact fertility. Red light therapy's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects may help mitigate these factors, creating a more favorable environment for conception.

Red Light Fertility Benefits for Women - Can Red Light Therapy Improve Egg Quality?

  1. Regulating Menstrual Cycles: Red light therapy may help regulate irregular menstrual cycles, making it easier to predict ovulation and improve the chances of conception.

  2. Light Therapy to Improve Egg Quality: Improved blood flow and reduced oxidative stress may enhance the quality of eggs, increasing the likelihood of successful fertilization.

  3. Red Light Therapy for IVF and Assisted Reproductive Treatments: Red light therapy could be used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technologies to enhance the success rates of these procedures.

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Fertility Benefits for Men - Red Light Therapy Testosterone Level Improvement

  1. Boosting Sperm Health: Red light therapy may promote healthy sperm production and motility, increasing the chances of successful fertilization.

  2. Does Red Light Therapy Increase Testosterone Levels? - Maintaining optimal testosterone levels is crucial for male fertility. Red light therapy's potential to enhance hormonal balance could positively affect testosterone production.

  3. Counteracting the Effects of Environmental Factors: Environmental factors such as excessive heat and exposure to pollutants can harm sperm health. Red light therapy's cellular benefits may help counteract these negative effects.

There are thousands of papers on the benefits of light therapy to optimise wellness - so why isn’t this treatment more popular and why haven’t your Doctors heard about it? Part of the issue is that it seems too simple to be so effective. But experts agree if there was a safe medication that supported health and wellness to this extent, every Doctor would recommend it. Some experts suggest this therapy is more beneficial than the highest-quality supplements. There are also a ton of cheap red light ‘gadgets’ on Amazon - all imported from China so it’s a case of buyer beware. Also known as LLLT or ‘cold laser’ in your Doctor’s office - those machines start at around $5k to over $30k. Skin care clinics also use them and charge anywhere from $75 - $300 per session…no wonder it hasn’t taken off in mainstream wellness circles. But affordable options for home use are available such as a red light belt (I’ll share some options in an upcoming blog).

Red Light Therapy Studies & Current Research

An impressive 2012 study using red light therapy was conducted with 70 Japanese women going through ART with long-term infertility. Researchers found that pregnancy was achieved in the first part of the trial in 16 patients (21.7% of 74), of whom 11 (68%) achieved a live birth. In the extended trial, pregnancy was achieved in 156 (22.3% of 701) with 79 live deliveries (50.1%). There were no adverse events. Of the 156 pregnancies, 34 achieved natural pregnancy with LLLT alone, and LLLT was combined with IVF in 105, AIH/AID in 13, GIFT in 3 and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT) in 1. Interestingly the protocol involved 10 minutes of using the laser over the side of the neck and 10 minutes over the lower abdomen. As you can see, blood flow throughout the body significantly increased. According to Dr Ohshiro, the anticipated pregnancy rate in women with this level of infertility was about 5% - his protocol resulted in 20.9%.

A study from Korea in 2017 demonstrated a bigger reduction in period pain in women using a red light ‘belt’ that also included a warming element when compared to using a heat pack.

Researchers in Denmark published a 2016 article with the results from 8 clinics. At that time, the total number of women treated was 239, resulting in 158 pregnancies, which is a success rate of 66%. Today the number of clinics has increased, making it more difficult to keep an exact score. It is estimated that the total number of women treated has exceeded 400, with a resulting 260 pregnancies, or 65%. The women treated are in the age range of 34 to 50 (yes, the oldest woman giving birth through this method was 50 years old).

I have several interviews with other fertility experts on this topic from around the world that I’ll be sharing on social media in early 2024.

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Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

Red Light therapy is safe and has no ultraviolet (UV) light. There have been thousands of studies around the world demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of red light therapy on all parts of the body.

It's important to note that while light therapy shows promise in enhancing fertility. Light therapy's potential benefits for women and men's fertility are backed by research, but more studies are needed to understand its mechanisms and optimize its effectiveness fully. As the field of photobiomodulation continues to evolve, it's an exciting time for couples hoping to expand their families with the help of innovative, affordable therapies.

How I Personally Use Light Therapy

Don’t make the same mistakes I did (unless you want to become the proud owner of multiple red light tools that you don’t use). Unless you have a chronic illness don’t bother with a panel. If I could go back in time I don’t think I would buy one again now that we have a red light torch and pad.

After a LOT of research, my husband and I purchased the Red Therapy RedRush 840 PULSE - 660nm RED & 850nm NIR Combo Pulsed Wave (see image below). I chose this panel as it has zero EMF and was the first panel to include pulsed light waves which increases the effectiveness of NIR. I use it daily for 10 minutes most days before I exercise. I’ve noticed improvements in my energy levels, my skin texture, and my nails. If anyone is getting sick in the house a few minutes each day seems to help kick winter colds more quickly and the impact on the immune system is already well-established. This panel retails for about $1200 - but there are lots of cheaper options that take a little more time to use but can save you $$$.

RedRush Panel

Red Rush Panel (zero EMF).

I don’t currently sell products but I am an affiliate of both light product companies as I have used their products and found their customer service/returns to be excellent and given there is so many confusing options on Amazon I spent quite a while researching quality products so you don’t have to.

REDTHERAPYTRACY is the affiliate code to use if you opt for a Red Therapy panel with this link.

Another great middle-of-the-road option with more power (60 LEDs). The HG-300 retails at $159 and there’s usually a 12% discount on your purchase if you use my link and code.

Hooga Link

Discount code: TRACYHOOGA



As you get ready to start a family you want tools that you’ll use over and over again. I love this pad and it is well loved (nearly time for a replacement).

In postpartum put the Hooga pad on your lower back for 20 minutes and get relief without medication (important for many breastfeeding moms). Or maybe you experience painful periods.. or back ache from carrying your new baby. Every week I hear about another innovative way to use this pad. Trust me, you will get plenty of experience dealing with aches and pains and minor injuries running around after a toddler or two. Check out my new Red Light Fertility Guide at

Hooga Link

Discount code: TRACYHOOGA

Hooga Pad/Wrap with Red, NIR and pulsing

These days, any First Aid treatment in our house (whether human or pet) starts with the Lightpath Diesel Torch on specific photopuncture points and on the injury itself. However if you’re new to light therapy the price point might be a little jarring as your first tool so another good affordable option is the Hooga Torch (use my code TRACYHOOGA for a 12% discount).

Hooga handheld torch with pulsing

If you’re new to red light therapy you can access a free class from PTI - specialists in using light therapy on acupuncture points.

So if you’ve made it this far and are still researching - one thing you can do immediately to support your fertility is to reduce blue light exposure for at least an hour before bedtime (more if possible). Blue light from screens/bright lights cause a stress response in the body so your blood glucose levels increase and melatonin levels decrease - and these are all known contributors to infertility.

(Jan 2024)

I’m about to start using a new red light ‘wand’ for vaginal health that uses several light wavelengths (I’ll share more of my experiences in the coming months). Interested in learning more or have you already started to use this therapy? I’d love to talk to you. Email me at or let’s connect through social media - I’ll have more videos and the different protocols from the science over the coming weeks - FertileMindApp on Instagram.

Let’s light up 2024!

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