

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

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Fertility Affirmations - Fertility Mantras & Chants

Fertility Affirmations - Fertility Mantras & Chants

Are you new to Fertility Affirmations or Fertility Mantras?

If you’re new to mind/body approaches you might find that using fertility affirmations or mantras can feel a little bit fake and cringy especially if you’re like most women and find it hard to take a compliment from other people - never mind ourselves!

Maybe you have had a similar experience as shown in the video below.

Are Fertility Affirmations the same as Pregnancy Affirmations?

Affirmations for fertility/affirmations for infertility can be a quick way to interrupt an unhelpful thought pattern such as “I’ll never be a mom”. However simply repeating words without connecting with the emotional meaning of those words for you makes them far less effective. Positive fertility affirmations for women are usually associated with pregnancy affirmations but well chosen intentional affirmations (especially personalized affirmations such as IVF affirmations) for fertility are another tool in your mental health toolkit. These are not ‘manifestation’ affirmations. This is not about magically ‘manifesting’ a pregnancy or buying into the ‘just think positive’ brigade - think of fertility mantras or fertility chants as a pattern interrupter that derails your train to stresstown (at least temporarily).

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As you listen to the fertility affirmations playlist in the FertileMind app try this exercise first.

The following exercise is a combination of a self-compassion meditation infused with affirmations and if you can let yourself experience it you’ll find your daily affirmations can feel very different and become a powerful tool in your fertility toolkit.

Find a time and some space where you can be undisturbed for just a couple of minutes before you start listening to your fertility affirmations.

Start off by just noticing your breath while you get settled. Bring to mind someone you really care about. It can be your partner, a grandmother…it could be your dog - it just needs to be someone or something that always brings a smile to your face when you think about them.

Allow that memory to become clearer. Notice that warm fuzzy oxytocin feeling rising in your chest and starting to flow… allow that feeling and that image of this person or pet to get bigger. Now notice how easy it is to send loving thoughts and real appreciation to them - how easy it is to wish them well and want the best for them. How it would feel to give them a big hug right now especially as the world has been more than a little hug starved over recent months.

Once you’ve got the oxytocin flowing it’s so much easier to switch over to sending similar appreciation to yourself.

Final steps of the Fertility Affirmation Exercise

Now focus your thoughts on something you’re good at, an accomplishment you’re proud of.

It’s a rare occasion that we take a second - never mind a few minutes to rest on our laurels but give yourself permission to do that today - just for a couple of minutes. Let those feelings come up and notice where you feel them in your body. Bask in those feelings. Remember you’re doing all of this in the privacy of your own mind so don’t be shy and don’t downplay what you’re proud of - you’re the only one listening. Try out some of your favorite fertility affirmations now and notice how different they feel - there’s an authenticity to them that probably wasn’t there before.

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Sit with those feelings for a few moments and soak them in.

This simple exercise just changed your physiology - you deliberately started the flow of oxytocin and other feel good chemical messengers in your brain and body - chemical messengers that support conception and pregnancy.

You deserve to feel your own self appreciation, love and affirmation more than ever.

Have you heard of ‘pregnancy basking’? THIS is another practice you have got to try.


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