

I’m Tracy, infertility survivor, mom to 2 boys, midwife and fertility coach.

Welcome to my blog.

Is Your Vagina Preventing Pregnancy?

Is Your Vagina Preventing Pregnancy?

If you’ve been diagnosed with unexplained infertility or have experienced unexplained implantation failure after IVF no doubt you’re frustrated and confused that with all of the amazing technology and scientific tests available today that nobody can pinpoint a cause. Even though you may structurally have a perfectly working vagina a closer look might give you more clues about why you’re not getting pregnant.

The human microbiome plays a crucial role in determining your health and the vaginal microbiome can affect your fertility potential. This video is a great way to understand what the microbiome is and how an unhealthy dysregulated microbiome can mess with your health and baby making plans. Your vagina is quite the multitasker when it comes to your health. All day every day special microbes in your vagina protect you against yeast infections and bacterial infections - as long as your vaginal microbiome is healthy.

Now, let’s talk about something incredibly fascinating—the gut-vagina axis. This concept highlights the connection between your gut and vaginal health. The bacteria in your gut can influence the microbiome of your vagina, affecting everything from your fertility to your risk of infections. Ladies, this means your diet, stress and gut health don’t just affect your digestion; they play a crucial role in your reproductive health too! Understanding this connection empowers you to take control of your health holistically, ensuring you nurture both your gut and vaginal wellness.

Chronic stress changes the levels of healthy microbes in your gut and impacts vaginal flora too. Gut bacteria has a profound influence on your immune system, hormonal balance, and even your blood clotting system. All of which are known to be involved in embryo implantation. Lactobacilli is normally the dominant family of microbes in a healthy vagina but when those levels aren’t at optimal levels the unhealthy microbes grow.

In one study, the tips of embryo transfer (ET) catheters were used to assess the presence of cervical microorganisms and their impact on IVF-ET outcomes.  In 143 (51%) of 279 egg transfers women had Escherichia coli (64%) and Streptococcus species (8%). Clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates as well as implantation rates were significantly lower in women with Ecoli/Strep bacteria (17% versus 28%) and 9% versus 16%, respectively).

First things first - consider getting this home test and figure out what’s up - down there (I’m not affiliated with the company). Getting a baseline gives you important data about your reproductive health (and overall health).

How to Make Your Vaginal Microbiome Happier

Mindfulness and compassion practices to address stress management.

Blue and red light feminine health wand.

Include fermented foods in your diet.
Consider probiotic supplements.
Yoghurts with live cultures.
Reduce sugar.
No douching or feminine hygiene products.
Use waterbased lubricant (most commercially available lubes disrupt the vaginal flora).

If you’re undergoing fertility struggles you’re probably already doing a lot of this - you feel like you’re doing all the right things…eating well, exercising and trying not to stress. But as stress is a common part of fertility treatments it’s likely that you have a stressed vaginal microbiome too.

Mindfulness has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body within hours while improving the ability of your microbiome to function in a state of wellness (and ultimately prepare you for a healthy pregnancy). So changing your diet, reducing the use of feminine hygiene products and lube will all help. But if you haven’t intentionally changed how you are managing stress (nobody can completely avoid stress) you’re missing out on a big part of the problem.

The FertileMind also includes specific health and wellness affirmations, mindfulness and hypnosis to help you make lifestyle and dietary changes a LOT easier.

Will you get this test and see what’s up down there?


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